Saturday, June 25, 2016

Top 10 Myths About Acne Revealed

Here you find the Top 10 myths about acne and whether there are actually true or not.

Myth 1: Eating chocolate leads to an acne breakout.

Truth: There were several studies about that and none found a relation between the consumption of chocolate and the breakout of acne.

Myth 2: Eating pizza can also worsen your acne condition.

Truth: There has been no clinically proven evidence that this myth is true. The eating of pizza in moderation will definitely not cause a bad acne breakout.

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Myth 3: Fried foods are a major cause of acne breakouts.

Truth: There a no sure evidences proofing this theory acne either.

Myth 4: Sodas and other sweetened soft drinks are bad for you if you suffer from acne.

Truth: Several studies were performed to check the accuracy of this claim, but there are still no valid results that the consumption of sodas such as Coca Cola, Sprite and so on promote acne. These drinks are normally consumed by teenagers in fast food restaurants and if they tend to eat in these place often or work there, their pores show a reaction to the grease in the environment and this might lead to acne breakouts. Just wash you hands whenever you handle oil or greasy fast food and you will be fine.

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5: Taking a sunbath will fight acne

Truth: This is a famous one among the myths about acne and there is not a grain of truth in it. Not only can an over-exposure to the sunlight cause serious burnings, skin cancer and speed up the aging of your skin, it also thickens the top layer of your skin and leads to a higher formation of acne. Also if your are currently using a skin care product containing Benzoyl Peroxide, you better stay away from the sun or use a high SPF sun screen because it makes your skin even more vulnerable to sunburns.

Myth 6: Dirt on your skin is another cause for acne.

Truth: The claim that dirt can cause acne may be just another myth. But there are several connections that have been found, so you better keep your skin pores clear of dirt and so stop germs and bacteria from infecting your skin.

Myth 7: Acne is no longer an issue once you reach adulthood.

Truth: This is not true. Although most cases fall into the adolescence years (85% of all teenagers get acne at one stage) there are also a lot of acne sufferers beyond their teens, the severity in these cases varies from mild to really severe acne. But it a fact that people above 50 almost never get acne.

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Myth 8: A person with an acne problem is quite often considered unclean.

Truth: This is false because most people with an acne problem tend to spend even more time with personal hygiene than people unaffected by acne. In fact, many of the acne sufferers are actually more health and hygiene conscious than others. Acne is caused by the overproduction of sebum, which has nothing to do with cleanliness and dirt.

Myth 9: Harsh soap is better for acne than mild soap.

Truth: The truth is that mild soap is better for you skin. After you washed the by acne infected part of your body you should gently pat it until it is dry.

Myth 10: Only prescribed medication is effective to fight acne.

Truth: Many Benzoyl Peroxide prescription drugs are very harsh and can not only bleach your clothes but can also dry out your skin. It´s probably the best to use a product with a low percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide (around 2.5%), so it´s still effective but doesn´t have such massive side effects. To fight acne there are a few other factors that help your acne from occurring such as a high level of personal hygiene, good eating habits and so on.

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