Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Vaginal Tightening Surgery - Is It Worth It?

There are thousands of women that are ashamed of having a loose vagina and are looking into vaginal tightening surgery. While this type of surgery is new, it is becoming increasingly popular as days go by.

Why do women get this type of surgery? The answer is simple. The operation is fast and promises to tighten up a loose vagina. Many women are afraid to have sex with their partner because they are ashamed of their genital area and the surgery to tighten vagina offers a quick fix. Or does it?

Interestingly enough, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recently issued a report that there have been no scientific data or studies to back up the efficacy of a designer vaginoplasty. If a scientific report from this association isn’t enough to convince you that vagina tightening surgery isn’t everything it’s being hyped up to be, maybe a real life story will.

It has been reported that Jenna Jameson, one of the most famous porn stars, recently underwent a vaginoplasty. She is apparently quite unhappy with the results and has also given up her porn star career. This leads to many questions regarding the risks and drawbacks of the procedure.

The risks

As with any type of surgery that is performed under general anesthesia, there are always risks involved. Some of these include:

•    Scarring
•    Bleeding
•    Infection
•    Allergic reaction to the anaesthetic

The procedure

There are two different types of vaginal tightening surgery. The first one is done with a scalpel and the second with a laser. The operation usually takes about an hour and the patient remains in the clinic for another hour under watch in the recovery room. With the first method, incisions are made in the vagina to join together the loose vaginal muscle that can be found at the back of the vagina. This shortens the muscle, which then tightens up the vaginal tissues as well as the muscles. Any excess skin will also be removed. Incisions are then closed using staples or sutures.

The second laser method follows the same procedure as above but uses a laser as an alternative to a scalpel. In most cases any side effects will be less pronounced using this method.ScarringIn theory, any of the scarring is supposed to be located inside the vagina and should not be readily visible on the outer portion of the genitals.


It usually takes about six weeks for a full recovery from this vagina tightening operation but this will also depend on the individual. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks after the operation is completed.

For the first few days there may be some pain involved and you may be prescribed painkillers. Usually the pain doesn’t last any longer than this, and if it does, you can contact the clinic for further information.InsuranceThe cost of vaginal tightening surgery can run anywhere from $4000 up to $9000 or more, depending on the procedure you choose and the doctor’s own personal pricing. Since this operation is considered cosmetic, it is not covered by insurance companies.


This vaginal operation can be performed on both women that have had children and those that haven’t. If you do plan on having children in the future, however, it would be best to hold off on the vaginoplasty until you have finished having children. Childbirth can definitely play a role in loosening vaginal tissues and can undo any of the benefits received from the surgery.


There are a lot of alternatives to vaginal tightening surgery. Many women see results from Keiko exercises, but these results can take weeks to appear. Smart balls, creams and devices also help to tighten the vagina.

The fastest way we have found to get the vagina tightened without resorting to questionable vaginal tightening surgery is with a cream called V-Tight Gel. This vaginal tightening cream works instantly as soon as it is applied and a lot of women are turning to it to avoid the cost of surgery.