Thursday, May 19, 2016

Best Vitamins For Acne

To maintain a nice and healthy skin it is very important to have a proper, balanced nutrition. Recent studies have shown that 40% of all Americans eat less than the recommended 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies every day. The resulting deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can affect your body from working optimally.

Vitamins and minerals may be taken to support the nutritional needs of your body, but they should not be taken as a substitute for eating these healthy foods. It´s not advisable to take too much of any vitamin or mineral either because it may have toxic and dangerous affects for your body. You better visit a doctor first before you take any vitamin for acne.

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Vitamin A

This vitamin for acne strengthens the protective tissue of your skin and prevents bad acne breakouts by reducing the oil production in your pores. It also helps to get rid of all the free radicals and toxins in your body which improves fine lines and wrinkling. Vitamin A rich foods include citrus fruits, carrots, tomatoes, yellow squash, and pumpkin. Vitamin A can also be applied to the skin topically with creams or ointments to promote cell growth.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are included in fish oil, chromium, zinc and selenium and dermatologists credit these substances anti-acne and mood regulating qualities.


Zinc is a very effective vitamin for acne, which is available as an over-the-counter remedy in most shops and pharmacies. It´s not only a good support for your immune system, it also protects you from UV radiation and quickens wound healing.

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Vitamin B5

This vitamin for acne prevents inflammation of your skin and a few clinical trials have proven that it is very effective to fight acne in the long term.

Vitamin B6

This vitamin for acne help you controlling premenstrual acne outbreaks due to hormonal imbalances.

Vitamin C and E

It is commonly recommended to take daily dosages of these vitamins to protect your body and give your body an antioxidant boost, that is important for healthy skin.

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This antioxidants containing mineral is also very important for regulating inflammation connected to acne and increasing the skin elasticity.


A recent study showed Chromium to be highly effective to improve the skin condition of acne sufferers. It also helps to enhance the insulin sensitivity in your body.


There are no clinically proven evidence but this mineral seems to play a major role in hormone balance, which is one of the major causes of acne breakouts.

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